05 November 2012


Rachel Platten, Work Of Art

Siapa baca Harry Potter sila angkat tangan :p

Guess this will be my own version of revival. Let the sob stories stop, and the small inspirational ones crop up like little mushrooms across the green valleys after a nice shower.


Aaina Yazid
90's baby
Medic student
Bangalore, India

Kononnya nak rojakkan bahasa dalam blog baru sebab bosan lah asyik-asyik in English je sejak dulu lagi.....

But I kid. When else do I get to polish my skills? So English it is. #mukacomel

And uh... kiddos don't read because there won't be any censors regarding my language and topics selected. But well, since I plan to let my mom read this so that she knows I'm physically.... and mentally..... sound, okay fine there will be some sort of penapisan-

*ugh I hate censoring myself but mom I love you moar yeay* <333

So welcome. Sharing is caring, and obviously, feel free to leave love notes :p


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